Emotional Agility: Discovering the Window of Tolerance

Emotional agility and the window of tolerance. Where we become more self-aware and better able to manage what life throws at us. This technology, this leadership, can help you move forward in a progressive way by improving your physical health, your mental and your relational health. Video Transcript: Emotional agility is kind of looking at […]

Session 13: Understanding Your Psyche: Where Thoughts and Emotions Collide

Put your lab coat on! In this session, we talk about what happens when your emotions and thoughts collide. Video Transcript Dr. A: All right everybody, welcome to our Conscious Leaders Forum. Very excited about today, we’re going to have a great one. We’ll give about a minute, we’re at 11:59, about a minute for […]

Self-Management: Taking Yourself Out of the Rapids

I’m very excited to share the second film in the consciousness series! In this video, I share three tools you can use right away to improve your self-management. So you can take control in any situation, no matter what the world throws at you, and create the outcome you want. Video Transcript: Self-management is all […]

Session 12: Be Kind to Your Mind: Understanding Why It Makes You Nuts

In this forum, we talk about how our thoughts and emotions can keep us in a constant “cognitive loop.” Where thoughts lead to emotions and emotions lead to thoughts. We also discover three tools you can apply to your daily life that can help you move forward in a calm and controlled way. Video Transcript […]

Session 11: Thoughts—Where Do They Come From?

In this session, we go through the different types of thoughts and their origin. There is always a reason why your mind creates one thought versus another. Video Transcript Dr. A: All right, well welcome everybody to our conscious leaders forum. I’m Dr. Wayne Andersen and I’ll be your guide today, your facilitator, and we’ll […]

Self-Awareness: A Wake-Up Call to the World

Most of us are sleepwalking through life. When we can truly focus, truly control our mind, we can accomplish so much more. Video Transcript: For most people, they’re kind of sleepwalking through life. They’re letting life happen to them.They’re never really in control. And you know, when you can put your mind, where you want, […]

Session 10: Can The Outside World Make Us Happy?

One of the goals of this forum is to build Internal Stability and External Equilibrium. We ponder and answer questions about how the outside world can affect us. Video Transcript Dr. A: Welcome everybody to the conscious leaders forum. Very excited. We had a hiatus last month. I was traveling in Africa with my family […]

Session 9: Emotional Management

If you want to get healthier you can go to the physical gym consistently to stay healthy and be fit. If we stop caring for our bodies, they react in a negative way. The same happens with our minds. We need to hit the mental gym in order to understand ourselves and better navigate through […]

The Drama Triangle

Most of the world spends most of their time in the Drama Triangle. When we’re in the Drama Triangle, we tend to project our thoughts and feelings out, and that can affect our relationships and our own health. We need to take back control. To be able to put our mind where we want, when […]

Session 8: How Our Self Concepts Hold Us Back

In this session of the Conscious Leaders Forum, we discuss how our self-concepts hold us back. There are different types of thoughts that affect us, and through awareness, we can learn to control them. Control your thoughts and you’ll improve your self-concept. Video Transcript Dr. A: Well, welcome everybody to our conscious leadership forum. We’ll […]